5 Data Processing
The MultiPAS system outputs two types of files during autonomous running: (1) the pas.txt
tab-separated document containing both the raw and processed data for the PAS and (2) text files in the sweeps
folder containing a record of each frequency sweep conducted. Although the main data file contains data that has been processed in real time, it is recommeneded that data is post-processed from the raw data prior to publication. Although data can be processed in any scientific computing or spreadhseet software, an R package, aeRo
, has been developed to aid in data processing and is available via GitHub.
5.1 Processing Data with R
The R package aeRo
has been developed (or rather, is currently under development) to aid in processing MultiPAS data with R.
R is open-source and freely available from the R Project for Statistical Computing. If using R, RStudio, an open-source and freely available IDE for R, is highly recommened for ease of using R.
5.1.1 The aeRo Package
The first step to processing data in R is to install aeRo
. The package devtools
will be needed to install aeRo from the command line.
# Install the devtools package and then load it
options(repos="http://archive.linux.duke.edu/cran/") # not necessary if installing from RStudio's package manager
## The downloaded binary packages are in
## /var/folders/p_/3j0qd_7s7tzdm94x3cwyj7_m0000gn/T//RtmpRJ2oNa/downloaded_packages
# Now, use it to install aeRo and then load aeRo
You can see the functions available in aeRo
by clicking on its name in the “Pacakges” tab within RStudio, executing help(package = aeRo)
, or with the ls()
## [1] "averagePower" "averagePower.waves" "blockMeans"
## [4] "blockMeans.single" "chooseFilterStart" "compileAeth"
## [7] "convertToAbs" "convertToExt" "fillToLength"
## [10] "fitAAE" "getBg" "getBg.waves"
## [13] "getTau0" "importAeth" "importPAS"
## [16] "plot.abs" "plot.ssa"
More information on any command can be obtained by typing a question mark followed by the command. For example, the help file for importPAS
is found with ?importPAS
5.1.2 Loading data into R
To load data into R, first call importPAS()
and then subset and align the data via the graphical display to the start index of the first filter period using chooseFilterStart
. chooseFilterStart
requires user input to the console based on the values selected on the plot. Alternatively, if the start index is already known, you may use the argument graph = FALSE
and start = index
to bypass the graphical selector. The function will also make the data length a multiple of period
pas <- importPAS('pas.txt', no.cols = 18) %>%
# chooseFilterStart() ## typically uncommented, for graphical interface
chooseFilterStart(graph = FALSE, start = 1430) # only used when start point is already known, comment otherwise.
5.1.3 Exploring MultiPAS Data
The PAS outputs a tab-separated text file of the raw and processed MultiPAS data. Columns are named according to the content, with the convention Ch1 = shortest laser wavelength.
# Display a few rows as an example
## Time micCh1_mV micCh2_mV micCh3_mV micCh4_mV pdCh1_mV
## 1430 2017-03-03 18:39:32 22.743 11.938 7.2965 6.9984 593.96
## 1431 2017-03-03 18:39:33 22.798 11.813 7.2420 6.9810 594.03
## 1432 2017-03-03 18:39:34 22.694 11.159 6.8411 6.5995 594.05
## 1433 2017-03-03 18:39:35 22.688 10.988 6.7961 6.5283 594.12
## 1434 2017-03-03 18:39:36 21.352 10.392 6.4951 6.1681 584.84
## 1435 2017-03-03 18:39:37 21.181 10.229 6.3737 6.0705 584.75
## pdCh2_mV pdCh3_mV pdCh4_mV tau_sec babsCh1_Mm babsCh2_Mm
## 1430 1073.4 864.07 806.18 3.6586e-05 0.35654 -0.29381
## 1431 1072.9 863.74 806.00 3.3154e-05 0.31628 -0.99175
## 1432 1056.2 850.29 793.51 2.9407e-05 0.40930 -1.10790
## 1433 1055.5 849.70 793.08 1.7895e-05 0.23405 -1.74540
## 1434 1039.0 836.43 780.69 1.2059e-05 0.22452 -1.90810
## 1435 1038.1 835.57 780.02 2.1839e-05 -2.05710 -2.51240
## babsCh3_Mm babsCh4_Mm bext_Mm fres_Hz filter_state elapsedTime_min
## 1430 -0.21158 -0.012408 36.964 1392 0 24
## 1431 -0.70289 -0.472130 44.498 1392 0 24
## 1432 -0.76618 -0.493860 55.666 1392 0 24
## 1433 -1.24990 -0.982410 70.830 1392 0 24
## 1434 -1.30360 -1.072700 157.160 1392 0 24
## 1435 -1.68420 -1.551100 263.900 1392 0 24
As seen in the above snippet, the data file contains the following columns (18 total):
- Time: Sample time in the non-ambiguous UNIX/POSIX time standard, ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’.
- micCh1_mV – micCh4_mV: The raw microphone signal in mV for each channel; if only 3 channels are present Ch4 will be filled with ‘0’.
- pdCh1_mV – pdCh4_mV: The raw photodiode signal in mV for each channel; if only 3 channels are present Ch4 will be filled with ‘0’.
- tau_sec: The ringdown time in seconds; for systems without a CRD, will be filled with ‘0’.
- babsCh1_Mm – babsCh4_Mm: The real-time absorption in 1/Mm for each channel; if only 3 channels are present Ch4 will be filled with ‘0’.
- bextCh1_Mm: The real-time exticntion in 1/Mm for each channel; if no CRD is present no extinction is measured and column will be filled with ‘0’.
- fres_Hz: The resonant frequency in Hz used during each sampling period.
- filter_state: A boolean indicating whether the filter is out (
) or inline (1
). - elapsedTime_min: The elapsed time in minutes since the start of the last filter; displays the maximum value during the frequency sweep.
5.1.4 Processing The Data
With aeRo
, data can be processed by stringing together a few functions.
# Calculate powers, backgrounds, and tau_0, and add to main data.frame
pas <- cbind(pas, getBg(pas)) %>%
cbind(averagePower(pas)) %>%
cbind(tau0_s = getTau0(pas$tau_sec))
# Convert data to absorption & extinction
pas <- cbind(pas, convertToAbs(x=pas[, 2:5], bg=pas[, 19:22], p=pas[, 23:26], m=114000)) %>%
cbind(ext662_Mm = convertToExt(pas$tau_sec, pas$tau0_s))
# Set background periods to NA for cleanliness in plotting
pas[which(pas$filter_state == 1 | pas$elapsedTime_min > 23.5 | pas$elapsedTime_min < 2.0), 28:32] <- NA
# Add rolling average via "zoo" pacakge, but exlude NAs
pas[!is.na(pas$abs406_Mm), 28:32] <- rollmean(na.exclude(pas[, 28:32]), k = 120, fill = NA)
5.1.5 Plot data
includes a plot class specifically for absorption data: plot.abs()
. Argruments can be passed to plot()
to change the look of the plot.
plot.abs(x = pas$Time, y = pas[, 28:32])
Further functions for calculating AAE, SSAs, etc., are forthcoming.